Monday, February 3, 2014

Elizabeth Williams, Meghann Meeusen, Amy Hicks - English Studies and Children's Literature

Elizabeth Williams, Meghann Meeusen, and Amy Hicks - "More than Child's Play: Children's Literature and Interdisciplinarity"

Our roundtable discussion will open up the idea of interdisciplinary by exploring how each of our diverse perspectives, while all based in children's literature, include elements from a variety of fields, including film studies, cultural-historic activity theory, rhetoric, eco-feminism, etc. We will begin with a brief introduction to how interdisciplinary has affected our research and study, then open the panel to discussion and questions about the role of interdisciplinary approaches in children's literature and beyond.

Presenter Bio
Elizabeth Williams is a fourth-year PhD. student from Oklahoma.

Meghann Meeusen is a fourth-year PhD. student from Michigan.

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